The Middlesex Central Model RR Club takes it’s name from the B&M Branch Line that once was a thriving mover of passengers. It started at North Station on the B&M main line then branched off at Arlington and terminated in Bedford, in it’s early hay day it ran to Concord, MA. Freight also moved over this line.Here is a link to some history of the Middlesex Central Railroad.

We originally organized in the 1980s, and met in one of the older buildings at the Tewksbury State hospital. Then, for several years, we met at Brother Clayton Dearth’s home in Westford until we moved to the Senior Center (former Cameron School) located at 20 Pleasant Street (Rte. 225) Westford. 

At this time the club had a permanent layout in the Senior Center, plus a portable layout which was set up and operated at train shows. We still own the portable modular layout,  but have not used it at train shows for some years.

Around 2010, the Cameron building was renovated, so we had to take down the layout and move it to a new location, still within the Cameron building.

By the fall of 2015, the MCMRRC was in it's current space, a 19' x 40' area in the warm, dry basement of the Cameron Senior Center in Westford, MA. The club had been residing in the Senior Center for some time, but when the building was renovated a few years ago, we had to move the layout to a new location. This required disassembly, re-design and rebuilding. By the fall of 2015 the benchwork was done, track laid, and the NCE DCC system installed. It was just possible to run a locomotive all the way around the layout. The club was working to improve reliability of the trackwork and switches, fine tune the DCC system, and start adding scenery to the new sections which were built to join the re-used original sections in the new configuration.